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ТЕМА: Cheap TOB Knockdown Spinning Reset Target Toronto

Cheap TOB Knockdown Spinning Reset Target Toronto 3 года 5 мес. назад #6838

  • xiaoshuiguai
  • xiaoshuiguai аватар
Cheap TOB Knockdown Spinning Reset Target Toronto

toboutdoors.ca tob outdoors shop sell Knockdown Spinning Reset Target,paper target,gun cases,gun cleaner,gun sling,hunting bags,Hunting Gear For Sale Ontario.

TOB Knockdown Field Target(Mouse Shape) Spinning Reset Target


INGENIOUS DESGIN: Self reset target

Shooting Targets Toronto

GOOD QUALITY: 0.119"/3mm thick spinning targets are made of high quality carbon steel, practical and durable for airgun.177.

PORTABILITY: It is light weight and provides a good portability, inserting it into the ground and have fun!

steel animal pellet trap target

I purchased this a while ago but. I recently started using it. this works great for target practice you'll have to dig Target into the ground to have it stable it is top heavy. Very strong pellets disintegrate on contact I'm shooting from a distance of 60 ft using a Gamo varmint 1250. Target is holding up very well and I enjoy the sound it makes when you hit it. You will have to make sure you have a backstop in my case I have my homemade pellet trap behind it to capture and he misses. Or if you're in a wide open space have at it lots of fun.

Great little crossman shooting target. We use while camping in with slingshot and daisy quarter inch load. Comes with extra stickers to replace once worn. Very sturdy target made of steel and thick coat of black paint. Folds flat for easy storage. Larger side targets are the size of an apple while middle target is around the size of a golf ball.

spinning targets Toronto

Very happy with my purchase!

I use a break barrel pellet rifle with hollow point pellets. It's important to note that the target frame should be aligned squarely in front of your shooting position. So when you do hit the BULLEYE, the targets will spin. I've purchased some small 2.5-inch adhesive targets to replace the used ones. I've ranged and zeroed my rifle scope at 65 feet and it gives a nice report when I score hits. No problem with the size. If you're shooting pellets with an air rifle your accuracy should be three-inch groups anyway.

Gun Cleaning Bore Snake

I have a small shooting range on my property and I set this up. I have only used my 380 pistol at about 20 ft and hit is 4 out of 6 rounds. It rings and spins it is plenty thick for the 380. All the paint comes off when you hit it but after your done just repaint it. I’m going to try hitting it with my 40c and see if it will hold up. Then my 357 mag. I think it’s thick enough.

Shooting Adhesive Rifle Targets Splatter

This is a great piece of steel for plinking. The satisfaction of hearing the report of a hit with the movement of the spinner is fantastic.

The steel of the frame and of the target is heavy - ⅜" thick spinner and about ¼" round rod for the frame. It comes painted black so I scuffed and painted mine a bright yellow for the field.

The description specifically states this is designed for handgun ammo and that is correct. All standard load, ball ammo from either pistols or carbines did not harm the target. But standard .223 ball ammo from an AR pistol at 25 yards did some serious damage - see photos. So nothing larger than .22LR from a rifle for this particular target.

I like this one so much, I'm getting another!

Product was well built took all the 9mm rounds I could throw at it... I will be buying another few sets cant beat thr price... Order came way faster then expected... I would recommend this product and seller.

Great addition and alternative to shooting paper targets. Nothing like the sound of steel and spinning visual to make you want to hit it again. Shooting it with a 9mm and .22 , so far it's holding up nicely.
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Ответы в теме: Cheap TOB Knockdown Spinning Reset Target Toronto

Cheap TOB Knockdown Spinning Reset Target Toronto xiaoshuiguai 3 года 5 мес. назад
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